Passpartout: The Starving Artist review

For this review, I would like to talk about how I liked the game’s graphics and gameplay. I found the game to be very entertaining on the graphics side of things. I liked how the game was split up between different stages and that the stages were very diverse. I liked the gameplay as well because of the graphics and because of how well the game was put together.


The graphics in this game were amazing. The colors were bright and vibrant. I liked how the stages were set up because there were different ones. It was really cool to see how the game gradually got darker and darker. The game got more difficult as it became darker. I liked that the game was easy enough for me to play and yet difficult enough for me to still be challenged.


I really liked the gameplay of the game. I liked how it was a platformer game. I found the game to be very entertaining because it was challenging and I liked how I was able to play it with a gamepad. The game is easy enough for me to play because I can use the buttons on the controller. I liked how I was able to switch between different stages. It was really cool to see how the game gradually got darker and darker.


The controls were easy to understand and to use. I liked how I was able to use the controller to play the game because it made things a lot easier. I found the game to be very entertaining because of how the gameplay is set up. I liked how the game gradually got darker and darker. I liked how the game was challenging yet not too hard.


I would like to replay this game because it was a lot of fun to play. I found the game to be very entertaining because of the graphics and because of the gameplay. I liked how the stages were different and how the game gradually got darker and darker. I liked how the game was easy enough for me to play and yet difficult enough for me to still be challenged.


Passpartout's family just doesn't understand his dreams of being a starving artist. He has a hard time convincing them that he is not trying to be a burden to them. He still lives at home and makes them dinner every night. He can't wait to get out on his own and pursue his dreams of being a starving artist. Passpartout: The Starving Artist is a game that gives the player a chance to experience the life of an artist, and the difficulties of finding a sustainable income.


  • Allows the user to experience the life of an artist
  • Encourages creativity
  • No restrictions as to what art is created
  • The game can be played at anytime
  • Can be played by a single player


  • The game is not interactive
  • Requires a certain degree of creativity to complete the tasks