Mastering Team Management in Helldivers 2: A Guide to Strategically Removing Players

  • 17-04-2024 |
  • Melissa Hinds

Helldivers 2, the exhilarating co-op shooter that has captured the attention of gamers worldwide, prides itself on promoting teamwork and camaraderie among players. Unlike other games that have struggled to find their footing, Helldivers 2 stands out not just for its engaging gameplay but also for fostering a mostly positive player base. However, the challenge of encountering a less-than-cooperative teammate is an inevitability. Whether it's due to toxic behavior or a significant disparity in skill levels, sometimes the difficult decision to remove a player from your squad must be made. This guide aims to navigate you through the process of kicking players in Helldivers 2, ensuring your gaming experience remains enjoyable and conducive to teamwork.

Understanding the Basics of Kicking Players

Understanding the Basics of Kicking Players

Step 1: Navigating the Main Menu

Begin by pausing your current game to access the main menu. Within this menu lies the key to managing your squad effectively. It's the first step in the process and is straightforward to execute.

Step 2: Identifying the Player

Within the menu, you’ll see the list of current squad members. Take a moment to identify the player you believe is disrupting the squad's harmony. Highlight their name; this action will bring up several options related to interacting with that player.

Step 3: Executing the Kick

After selecting the problematic player, you will see an option labeled “Kick." Choosing this option will remove the player from your current session. This decision should not be taken lightly, as it will completely eject the player from your game, requiring them to join another session if they wish to continue playing.

Additional Considerations When Removing Players

Communication First

Additional Considerations When Removing Players

It is always beneficial to attempt communication before proceeding to kick a player. Address your concerns directly and give the player a chance to adjust their behavior. This step is very important because it helps maintain a positive community spirit and often allows problems to be resolved without resorting to removal.

Handling Abusive Behavior

Should you encounter a player who is persistently abusive or detrimental to the team's morale, do not hesitate to use the kick feature. Helldivers 2 is a game built around teamwork, and such behaviors have no place in it. In extreme cases, consider blocking the individual to prevent any future disruptions.

Considering New Players and Mistakes

It's important to remember that everyone starts as a beginner at some point. New players might inadvertently cause disruptions as they learn the ropes. Similarly, accidental friendly fire can happen to even the most experienced players. Exercise patience and understanding in these situations. A community thrives when its members support and teach each other.

Arrowhead’s Ongoing Solutions

Arrowhead, the game's developers, have acknowledged the potential issues of the kicking system, especially regarding its impact on new players. The company has expressed interest in finding a balanced solution that addresses the community's concerns while preserving the game's integrity and teamwork-focused gameplay. Stay tuned to their updates for any changes to the system that might be implemented.

Final Thoughts on Strategic Player Management

Final Thoughts on Strategic Player Management

Helldivers 2 is a game that emphasizes cooperation, and managing your squad effectively is key to a fulfilling gameplay experience. Knowing how to remove players when necessary is a tool that, when used judiciously, can enhance your team's cohesion and success rate. Always strive to communicate and educate before opting to kick, and remember that every player, regardless of skill level, contributes to the rich tapestry of the Helldivers 2 community. Should you find yourself needing space or wishing to play solo, setting your lobby to private is an excellent alternative to consider.

Manage your squad with empathy and strategic insight, and you'll find that your missions in Helldivers 2 will not only be successful but also enjoyable for everyone involved.